If you are a business that performs industrial or commercial activities on your premises and your stormwater drainage flows into the City’s MS4 system, then you will be flagged to be inspected by the City’s contracted environmental firm, Stantec Consulting Services. You likely received a letter from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) already.
If the potential for pollutants is found, the DEP will recommend additional permitting which often requires stormwater sampling. You will need to correct whatever issues are causing these pollutants. Therefore, it is vital to both the safety of the environment and the smooth sailing of your facility to ensure a passing inspection.
In-person review ensuring any
inspection red-flags are
immediately addressed
We offer expert
guidance if you are currently
under an NYSDEC permit
Stay on top of regulations and
keep records in one organized
place, making inspections and
audits easy to pass!
Serving the greater NYC area
since our founding in 2006